Yoga Instructor Kim Nicholson
Credentials-30 Years experience
Certified Yoga Teacher-Power Vinyasa Teacher Training-issued April 29th, 2012 (RYS 200 Certification) issuer: Halifax Yoga (Sherry Zak and Coeli Marsh)
CPR Certificate-Emergency First Aid CPR “A” & AED issued March 20, 2012. St. John Ambulance.
The “Art of Assisting Yoga” proper physical alignment.
Yoga Journal Conference (Toronto)
ï‚· Chatturanga free Vinyasa (Maria Garre)
ï‚· The Yoga of Meditation (Rod Stryker)
Breath Workshop-November 2011 (Halifax)
Shambala Meditation Level 1 (1993)
Breathing Space Yoga-Energy Exchange (2006)
Halifax Yoga-Energy Exchange (2010-2012)
Yoga at the work place (2010-2014)
Kisari Yoga Studio (2012--current)
Kisari Yoga Summerville Beach and Quarterdeck (summer of 2022-2023) 2.
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White Point Beach Resort (2022-2023)
April Williams SPA Studio (2022-current)
Westfield Community Yoga (Government Grant for Group Yoga (2023-2024)
Yoga Disciplines Practice:
- Flow
- Gentle
- Hatha Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
- Yin Yoga
- Yin Yang Yoga
- Astanga Vinyasa
- Iyengar Yoga
- Baptist Power Yoga